Cameroon Muslim’s Community Development Association
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Our mission

Our Misson is to provide a safe and welcoming environment that fosters the spiritual, educational and physical wellbeing of Muslims and Non-muslims alike, as well as creating an ethical climate for fair trade and access to finance.

Our Story

The CMCDA is a new generation Islamic association that seeks to upgrade the standing of Cameroonian Muslims in all works of life. It seeks to do so organically, through self-development. It belongs to, and is open to all Muslims, irrespective of their school of thought. It is driven by our common Islamic values of sacrifice, patience, and above all, intending every action and endeavor as an act of worshiping Allah.

The CMCDA was launched in January 2024 at the Congress Hall. Its founding father, HRM General Housseini Djibo, the Sarki of Nkolbisson, is a person of impeccable integrity and well-known in the Cameroonian Muslim community. The leadership of the CMCDA, which is equally composed of very competent personalities of high integrity is committed to work with full transparency and professionalism towards its goal.

The CMCDA seeks to be the leading Cameroonian Muslim Developmental organization through excellence and collaboration. Its immediate primary mission is to build self-financed professionally run developmental institutions such as: Higher institutes and universities for scientific, technical, and modern business education with Islamic values; Modern medical facilities that cater for our specific Muslim life style; Financial institutions to empower our communities within Islamic bounds. Future objectives will be developed and designed according to the needs of the rapidly changing world around us, in sha Allah.

Charity begins at home. We invite all Cameroon Muslims to personally take ownership of the CMCDA and its ideals by contributing towards its initial self-financing target through an affordable daily donation of One hundred (100) FCFA per day. We pray that Allah accepts our donations as sadaqatu-jaariya which will materially benefit us and our future generations in this world, while adding to our good deed accounts with Allah in the next world. Following this initial funding, the CMCDA commits to financial independence and self-maintenance through its professionally run non-profit business ventures

The time has come for the Cameroonian Muslim community to stands tall, be productive, help themselves, and contribute to the wider society. We need to prepare for the future.

| HRM Sarki of Kumba